Consolidated Accounting
Liebe Studierende,

Course information
Module: | 8a-d International Accounting and Auditing II |
Credits: | 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits |
Language: | German/Englisch |
Format: | Classroom teaching, Youtube & Moodle |
Lecture | |
Lecturer: | Prof. Dr. Christiane Pott |
Date: | Tuesday 12:00-14:00 C-HS 3 |
Start: | 12.10.2021 |
Format: | The lecture takes place weekly in presence and is alternatively permanently available on YouTube as videos-on-demand. All information can be found in Moodle. |
Excercise | |
Lecturer: | Marius Banke |
Date: | Thursdays 14:00-16:00 |
Start: | 28.10.2021 |
Format: | The tutorial is permanently available on YouTube as videos-on-demand. In addition, there will be two "Summaries" and an exam preparation, in which the most important lecture, exercise and exam contents can be repeated and questions can be answered interactively. You can use a quiz app to check your learning status, also in comparison with other students. All information and dates can be found in Moodle. |
Click here for the documents
While the individual financial statement (under commercial law) is the accounting instrument of a legally independent company and serves a variety of purposes, the consolidated financial statement and management report are responsible in particular for informing the addressees of the annual financial statement about the asset, financial and earnings situation of the economic unit of a group of companies.
In addition to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the majority of national consolidated financial statements continue to be prepared according to the principles of commercial law. Against this background, this module deals in detail with both the regulations relevant under commercial law and those relevant under IFRS, as well as identifying similarities and differences against the background of the objectives of the respective accounting concepts. In addition to the theoretical basis of group accounting, participants will also learn about the complex technique of preparing consolidated financial statements, the so-called consolidation. In addition, institutional regulations on the obligation to prepare consolidated financial statements and on the delimitation of the scope of consolidation are presented.
Examination modalities according to the Examination Regulations
At the end of the winter semester (main date) - related to the material of lecture and exercise - a 90-minute written exam is offered. 7.5 ECTS credit points can be acquired. At the beginning of the summer semester, a make-up examination is held under the same conditions as the main examination.
Knowledge acquired during the course
The knowledge of group accounting to be acquired is an important prerequisite for participants to work in the controlling, finance and accounting departments of larger nationally and internationally active companies and, above all, for employment in auditing, tax consulting and management consulting firms.
Perspectives in practice
The knowledge of international accounting to be acquired is an important prerequisite for employment in the financial departments of large nationally and internationally active companies, for the tasks of credit and financial analysts in credit institutions and, above all, for employment in auditing, tax consulting and management consulting companies.
Prior knowledge
The course assumes basic knowledge of HGB and IFRS accounting; this knowledge can be acquired, for example, in the two courses "Accounting" (Module 4a) and "Fundamentals of International Accounting" (Module 8a-d).
1. obligation to prepare consolidated financial statements
2. components of the consolidated financial statements
3. delimitation of the scope of consolidation
4. principle of uniformity
5. consolidation measures
a. Consolidation of capital
b. Debt consolidation
c. Elimination of intercompany results
d. Consolidation of expenses and income
6. inclusion of associated companies and joint ventures
7. reporting instruments and further disclosure requirements
Literature references
Baetge, J. / Kirsch, H.-J. / Thiele, S.: Konzernbilanzen, IDW-Verlag, Düsseldorf (aktuelle Auflage).
Küting, K. / Weber, C.-P.: Der Konzernabschluss, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart (aktuelle Auflage).
Pellens, B. / Fülbier, R.-U. / Gassen, J. / Sellhorn, T.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart (aktuelle Auflage).
…sowie aktuelle Auflagen der Texte des HGB und der IFRS/IAS.
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