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Department of Business and Economics
Welcome to the professorship

International Accounting and Auditing

Latest news


Studium Oecologicum at TU Dortmund University

Further information on obtaining the additional qualifications can be found in the flyer.
Symbol Picture frame with green lettering "Go Green" in front of leafy branches in the background

PwC Audit Kick-Start 2025

Virtual Kick-Off on April 03 & Case Study Day on April 07, 2025 at the PwC office in Essen

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2025!

The IRWP team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!

PwC award ceremony summer semester 2024

We congratulate the winners Laura Wolbeck, Anna Tautz, Ilka Rogowski und Timo Lukas Woschko!

UA Ruhr Accounting Days

Yesterday, the IRWP team had the pleasure of welcoming the partners of the UA Ruhr Alliance - the teams of Prof. Eulerich from the Chair of Internal…

CSO of Union Investment as a guest.

Dr. Henrik Pontzen braved the heat last week and gave an informative guest lecture on "Sustainable companies on the capital market" in the Reporting…

PwC award ceremony winter semester 2023/2024

We congratulate the winners Alexander Lock and Kim Norman Peter Voss-Fels!
PwC-Preisverleihung Gruppenfoto

New publication in the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting!

We're thrilled to announce that the paper “Limiting environmental reporting flexibility: investor judgment based on the EU taxonomy” by Dr. Sandra…

brainstorming: IRWP/DSAG - workshop

Over 70 DSAG members, as well as researchers and students from TU Dortmund University, met at the meeting of the

AG Sustainability Reporting in…


UA Ruhr Accounting Day

We are grateful to further expand our cooperation between the universities.

Room changes for the Reporting Issues event

The Reporting Issues event will now take place in the following rooms: Tuesday: CT ZE 01 Thursday: CT ZE 02 (opposite HG2)

We are looking forward to the summer semester 2023

You can find more information in "Teaching". There you will find information about the format, the dates as well as the teaching materials.